Mortgage rate drops, refi booms, moratoriums and other market drivers have led to unpredictable, volatile title industry volume. In this new Webinar from The Title Report, learn about how title companies are turning to scalable co-sourcing as a new tactic to account for industry peaks and valleys. Join us for straightforward answers, accounts and bottom-line case study results from industry veterans with first-hand experience in Co-Sourcing: New Tactics for a Volatile Market and Beyond.
Expect to take away:
- A complete analysis of scalable co-sourcing as an answer to industry peaks and valleys
- Whether co-sourcing is realistic for your agency – and its benefits and drawbacks
- Which functions and processes can realistically be sourced
- Case-study looks at how mixed service options have led to greater workflow efficiencies and offset overflows
- Tactics to decrease fixed overhead costs and better manage resources to keep service predictable and profitable
- Ideas to shift focus off of the daily grind and towards business and growth opportunities
Industry Experts:
William B. Casale
Chief Executive Officer
New House Title LLC
Bill has more than 25 years of experience in business management. He has served as the CEO of New House Title, LLC based in Tampa, Florida since 2003 and is the founder of Firm Solutions. Prior to founding Firm Solutions, he was the senior vice president for Wendover Funding, Inc., in Greensboro, N.C., where he was responsible for mortgage loan servicing operations and business development. He is also a former owner of Great Blue Home Mortgage, a Tampa-based mortgage brokerage business and managed operations for First Union Mortgage Corp., Alliance Mortgage Co. and NationsBank Mortgage. Today, he continues to be an active member of the Mortgage Bankers Association and the USFN, where he has chaired and developed industry-wide initiatives, published articles and moderated panels. Bill also serves on the advisory boards of multiple businesses in the financial services arena.
Brian Twibell
Chief Executive Officer
Brian is one of the original investors and co-founders of RedVision. Brian was instrumental in creating the business plan that is the foundation for RedVision's success. He assumed the role of chairman and managing director in 2002 focusing most of his attention on strategic planning and business development. Brian assumed the position of Chief Executive Officer in 2006 to lead RedVision’s rapid growth as an independent provider of technology-enabled solutions for the real property marketplace nationwide.
Prior to RedVision, Brian was President and CEO of Microbank Software, a firm he founded in 1984. Microbank grew to 200 employees with major divisions in New York, London, and Singapore, and satellite sales offices in Amsterdam, Sydney, Tokyo, and Zurich. By 1999, Microbank had over 1,100 systems installed in more than thirty countries. Its customers included sixty of the world's top 100 financial services organizations. SunGard acquired Microbank in 2000. After the acquisition, Brian served as SunGard’s Managing Director for Strategic Acquisitions.
Prior to Microbank, Brian spent two years running sales and marketing for a software company focused on banking applications. He started his career in banking operations with Manufacturers Hanover Trust (now JP Morgan Chase).

Jeremy Yohe
The Title Report
Jeremy Yohe is the editor of The Title Report, which provides business news and analysis for the settlement services industry. Prior to joining October Research, Jeremy was the managing editor of The Massillon Independent, a daily newspaper in Northeastern Ohio. He has 15 years experience as a journalist and has won several Associated Press awards for writing and design while working for several newspapers in Ohio and Indiana.
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