In order to survive and flourish in today’s ever-changing market, title and settlement services companies need to set themselves apart from their competition. However, differentiating your title products and services in an increasingly competitive market isn’t always an easy task.
Title Radio experts will share with you proven and emerging marketing strategies that you need to know to define your business’s strengths, and then our experts will teach you how to effectively communicate these strengths to your potential client base.
Learn these key components that help you to set your business apart from competitors:
- How do I build a high-performance strategic marketing plan?
- How much of my budget should go to marketing, branding and/or public relations?
- How should I build an effective sales and marketing database? How should I use it for maximum impact?
- How can I handle my own public relations “in-house?” When is it time to call in an agency, and how do I evaluate one?
- How do I compile and manage a marketing email list?
- What does a good marketing campaign include?
Get tips on the strategies and tactics necessary to separate yourself from the competition in the eyes of your customers, including:
- Marketing newsletters—Clever marketing vehicle or waste of time and paper?
- E-mail versus direct mail marketing
- Sales recruiting—how do you find, recruit and keep the best sales talent?
- Target marketing…why it’s important to go beyond your prospects
Title Radio Experts:
Colleen Stanley, President, SalesLeadership, Inc.
Denise Hurst, Vice President, Strategic Initiatives, RamQuest
Stephen Massien, General Manager, NorthPointe Communications
Jeremy Yohe, Editor, October Research Corp.
Joe Casa, Founder and Publisher, October Research Corporation, The Title Report