Get comprehensive instruction covering:
- Complete steps for filling-out the new GFE
- All of the most significant changes
- The three all-new “tolerance” sections – what goes where, and why
- What to expect when the tolerances are exceeded
- HUD’s “cure period”
- Yield spread premium disclosure concerns
Who should listen?
Mortgage Brokers
Loan Officers
Title Agents |
The timing couldn’t be much worse, but major changes are coming...
HUD finally decided to heed consumer demand for greater transparency and clarity in settlement procedures, and the revised good faith estimate is front and center.
It’s great from a home-buyer perspective...but are you ready for it?
Introducing the New GFE is your complete step-by-step walkthrough for filling out the revised good faith estimate. Get highly practical audio/visual instruction from our expert presenters - Phil Schulman, Partner with K&L Gates, and Chief Compliance Officer with Gregg & Valby, L.L.P., Richard Triplett.
How do I complete the revised Good Faith Estimate?
What’s the deal with the new “tolerance” sections?
What falls under zero tolerance? ...10%? ...No tolerance?
What happens when there’s too much discrepancy between the GFE and HUD-1?
Yield spread premiums have to be disclosed now?!?
Order now for the answers to these questions.
Plus learn about the three new tolerance sections, HUD-1 overages, the “cure period,” YSP disclosure and more.
Expert Presenters
Phil Schulman
K & L Gates
One of the nation’s most widely respected and most recognized RESPA attorneys, Phil Schulman’s national practice focuses on real estate finance and mortgage banking, with specialties in RESPA, the Truth-in-Lending Act and administrative and regulatory compliance matters.
Phil is a former Assistant General Counsel for the Inspector General and Administrative Proceedings Division, H.U.D. Phil will join the legal panel to discuss RESPA, affiliated business arrangements and answer audience submitted questions.
Richard Triplett
Chief Compliance Officer
Gregg & Valby, L.L.P.
With a 25-year background in the mortgage industry, Richard Triplett is the Chief Compliance Officer for Gregg & Valby LLP, providing a wide variety of compliance services to law firm clients nationwide. Richard also served as the Vice President and Chief Compliance Officer for Secured Funding Corporation in Costa Mesa, Calif., managing the Federal and State Regulatory Compliance, Compliance Systems, Licensing, HMDA, Broker Approval, Quality Control, and Quality Assurance departments for the organization.
Richard’s 25 years of experience includes: origination, processing, underwriting, underwriting management, secondary marketing management, compliance, operations management, bank and broker lending (retail, wholesale and correspondent), risk management, information technology, consulting, training, auditing and quality management. Richard has worked with various companies in a compliance and operational capacity including: H&R Block Mortgage/Option One Mortgage Corporation, North Fork Bank and Republic National Bank of New York. Richard formerly owned National Portfolio Advisors Inc., a due diligence/outsourcing firm in Boston, Mass., and has spent many years as a private consultant to various lenders around the country.
Richard earned a Certified Mortgage Banker designation with Mortgage Banker’s Association (MBA), has continually served as a CMB instructor on Real Estate Law and Regulatory Compliance, performs oral examinations for CMB candidates and received a Faculty Fellow award from MBA. He serves as a subject matter expert for publications regarding compliance and other industry related topics. Richard is also the lead instructor for the AllRegs School of Mortgage Compliance. He writes articles on various topics relative to state and federal regulatory compliance and frequently speaks at conferences and Webinars. Richard currently serves as a member of the State Legislative and Regulatory Committee for MBA and the Texas Mortgage Bankers Association.

Kelly McCarel
Kelly McCarel is the editor of and RESPA News Monthly at October Research Corporation. She reports on the latest RESPA developments through, the first and only online publication dedicated to covering all of the issues and news related to the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act. Prior to joining October Research, Kelly worked in a corporate environment, serving as a communications specialist and handling much of the company’s internal communications. She has also served as editor of the Cleveland Bar Journal at the Cleveland Bar Association, and as associate editor of a statewide legal newspaper in Ohio.