Title X of the Dodd Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act calls for the establishment of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which for the first time will provide a central regulator for a plethora of consumer protection statutes formally enforced by various federal agencies including the Federal Reserve, HUD and the FTC.
New rules will be issued in large quantities and quickly. Plans are already underway, for instance, to create uniform disclosures for TILA and RESPA, one of the clear mandates of the new CFPB.
Get a vital understanding of the new Bureau’s responsibilities and mandates – so you can intelligently comment as new regulations begin to come forth.
In The CFPB: Regulatory and Enforcement Drilldown our expert panel provide:
- An overview of the makeup and oversight depth of the new CFPB
- An in-depth analysis of specific bureau authorities and enforcement powers
- A look at the possible futures of the GFE, HUD-1 and TILA
- Likely impacts of the CFPB on the lending and settlement services industries
- A review of the proposed Reverse Mortgage and Exchange Facilitator studies
- Guidance on how to start preparing for the regulatory changes today
Featured Speakers
Donald E. Partington
Executive Vice President,
Legal and Strategic Affairs
Fidelity National Financial
Francis Riley, III
Saul Ewing LLP
Bruce P. Bowen
Special Counsel
Saul Ewing LLP
Kelly McCarel