Anthony Alderman, MRICS, SR/WA, CRE Senior Managing Director Cushman and Wakefield Anthony Alderman, MRICS, SR/WA, CRE is a Senior Managing Director within the Valuation & Advisory service line at Cushman & Wakefield. He leads the Infrastructure Practice Group, which provides eminent domain and right of way valuations among other services. The group has extensive experience in assisting property owners, financial institutions, and government agencies via accurate and objective appraisals. Anthony is the former founder and CEO of North by Northwest Consulting, established in 2013 and acquired by Cushman & Wakefield in 2022. He is a right of way and eminent domain expert and has completed more than 500 appraisals for right of way projects, reviewed more than 2000 right of way appraisals and negotiated contracts with right of way consultants and engineering firms. Projects have involved: natural gas, sewer, utility easements, water damage, proximity damage, bridge projects, road widening, intersection projects and multiple highway easements. Located in Hickory, NC, he is pre-qualified with NCDOT, SCDOT, TDOT and VDOT. He has also been an expert witness for litigation for highway, natural gas and convenience stores. Anthony lives in Hickory, NC with his family of five, his beloved dog Wylie, and his unpredictable cats, Gigi and Izri. When he’s not appraising, he might be developing a video documentary, writing a play, or joining his fellow Jiu Jitsu friends for exercise. | 
Christina Thoreson, SR/WA, MAI, CRE Owner Real Counsel, LLC As a valuation professional, Christina began her career in late 1986 in Atlanta. She earned herSR/WA, Senior Right of Way Associate designation from the International Right of WayAssociation. Christina is the immediate past chair of the IR/WA International ValuationCommittee. She is also a Designated Member of the Appraisal Institute having earned the MAI,SRA, and AI-GRS. Christina has recently been conferred membership in the Counselors of RealEstate and holds the credential CRE. She is a AQB qualified USPAP instructor, earned theCLIMB instructor certification from the IR/WA, and completed the Certified Distance EducationInstructor (CDEI) from the International Distance Education Certification Center (IDECC). Shehas taught real estate in both the professional and college settings. Her valuation experienceincludes a wide variety of property types and sizes, and her appraisal, appraisal review, andlitigation support practice has focused primarily on eminent domain since 1991. | 
Mike Holzheimer Editor Valuation Review As editor of Valuation Review, Mike Holzheimer seeks out the information and announcements pertinent to appraisers. Through in-depth feature stories, He brings to the readers the insights, expertise and opinions from some of the top authorities within the valuation profession. He speaks directly to company CEOs, presidents and chief operating officers who separate fact from fiction allowing appraisers to make informed decisions as it relates to their business. Valuation Review also engages in conversation with appraisers from across the country telling their success stories and what they feel the appraisal profession needs to improve upon. |